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What is Dental Scaling?

Dental / Teeth Scaling

Dental scaling is a regular cleaning procedure used to get rid of all stains, plaque, and tartar, or hardened plaque, that is above and below the gum line. Patients with severe plaque buildup and periodontal disease (gum disease) benefit from it. Your dentist will scale your teeth during a deep cleaning session.  It is done to reverse the damaging effects of periodontal disease and to enhance your dental health to stop problems from happening again in the future. With a non-surgical method, the entire process could be completed in only one visit.


                                                                Dental Scaling


Types of Dental Scaling Tools

There are two types of scaling instruments available:

    • Scaling with hand-held instruments. Here, the dentist will manually scale the teeth to remove the plaque using a dental scaler and curette. The dentist or dental hygienist uses touch to detect rough places and areas of tartar buildup.

      • Scaling with ultrasonic instruments. It’s a modern process. With the use of a vibrating metal tip to chip away tartar and a water spray to wash it away and keep the tip cool, ultrasonic scaling equipment removes plaque from teeth.

      Does Dental Scaling Painful?

      Scaling teeth doesn’t hurt during the procedure. Tartar, or hardened deposits of plaque buildup, will be removed from teeth both above and below the gum line by your dentist or dental hygienist using specialist instruments. A local anesthetic will be used by your dentist or dental hygienist to numb the gums and tooth roots, and tooth scaling rarely causes any discomfort.

      How Long Does It Take for Scaling?

      One visit could be sufficient to finish the full procedure using a non-surgical approach. Depending on the oral state, scaling may require one to two hours to complete.

      Tooth polishing

      Tooth polishing is frequently combined with tooth scaling. It helps to smooth the surfaces of teeth and restorations. Remove stains and dental plaque, improving aesthetics, and shining of teeth are all goals of polishing.

      Cost of Dental Scaling

      Dental scaling costs vary according to the patient’s oral and dental health. Regular patients with little stains, plaque, and tartar typically have lower scaling costs due to less detrimental effects than patients with severe stains, plaque, and tartar as well as a history of chain smoking that causes considerable harm. In our Sporsho Dental Care we charge 2000 Taka (BDT) for regular scaling. Charge may vary in case of severe stains considering the actual oral conditions.  


      For a Scaling Appointment , Feel Free to Call Us: 


      Sporsho Dental Care

      Ramzannesa Super Market (1st Floor)

      Metro Rail Pillar No 165

      Mirpur 12 Dhaka

      Call: +88 01676347526

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